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I've spent alot of the last ten years listening to the music of Mary J Blige. Her latest release, after many albums that shared her heartbreak and struggles, is one now called Thriving. And like Mary J, I feel that I too am now thriving. One of the main reasons has to be because of travel. Travelling enables one to experience independence and self reliance, it enables one to explore and enjoy a plethora of new experiences, places and people.

Travelling has freed me. I am never more truly myself than I am when I am travelling solo.

The joy is the journey. The joy is the arrival. The joy is the exploration. The joy is calling many places home.

Sometimes to thrive we need to embrace the new and it can require fully letting go of those things, and people, which do not support your journey. I'm happy to know I have done this and my journey is a joy.

On the train across France

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